Feb 16, 2013

Kickin' Some Fibro Butt... Even When You Don't Feel Like It

Fibromyalgia is a nightmare. We all know that. Everyone has their opinions on what you should and should not do, most of which are bunk, regardless of intentions. What works for me may make you feel worse, and most people don’t get that.
When “they” say it’s all about attitude, I must agree that it is partially true (but only partially). I went to a psychiatrist for 7 years, learning pain management, stress control techniques, and how every stupid little choice I make can effect me for the next week. (And lots of other helpful stuff.)
Personally, I’ve always felt that I need to be productive. Every day. Even Sundays. Most likely a result of growing up in the country where there was always work to be done, if I give in to the monster of my body and don’t do anything, I know I’m making a huge mistake. It’s all part of my fight against fibro and the associated depression.
Rinse it off, rinse it off, wayyyy off!
Every single day, even the days that I sleep almost all day, I choose to do one productive thing. It literally could be as simple as rinsing off the dish I just ate off of, or brushing my cat. But by golly, I did something. Take that, fibro? How do you like that? Huh? Huh?
Playing the Theme from Rocky in my head sometimes helps, but if I’m thinking about going to bed (like I did today), I know that sunshine always helps me out, so I tell myself I’ll go outside for 10 seconds. Generally those seconds turn into minutes, and when I come back inside I’m refreshed enough to at least do something besides screw up my sleep schedule.
So get up. Get a bit of sun. Rinse off that dish. And let me know- what do you do to kick some fibro butt?

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