Feb 11, 2013

An Old Post on a Newish Blog

Originally this was posted last September, when I was over on Wordpress. I find Blogger easier to use and navigate, which is the main reason why I switched. :)
Indeed, it has been quite the long time!
The summer has been rather crazy. I’ve had gastrointestinal issues since February when I accidentally ate some wheat, and have had more tests than I count. Literally. I barely ate, was dehydrated once, and went to my mom’s house for a month so that I would eat.
Without a diagnosis, I referred myself to Mayo Clinic. I was quickly in and like a medical whirlwind, I was suddenly THERE. (More on that experience another time.) Two weeks of MORE tests, and I have a diagnosis! Osmotic diarrhea. And the cause? Unknown.
I have STUMPED Mayo Clinic. This is not a good thing.
Fast forward a couple weeks, and I suddenly have trouble breathing in my living room. Fortunately I grabbed Benadryl before my throat swelled shut. The culprit was a new garden sprayer- that’s the only different thing in the room. It had latex in it.
Woo-hoo! My latex contact allergy has now gone airborne! A few days later, I put two and two together and realized that a latex allergy can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. I’d already cleared out the latex medical supplies, but it’s become serious now.
I have pages full of things with latex in them that I need to get out of my house. The sheer magnitude of how much latex is used is unbelievable. Goodbye underwear, can opener, most of my closet, florist tape, shoes, ear buds, and pencils. (This is just for starters- I’ll post a list shortly with everything I’ve discovered thus far to contain latex.)
My prayers are that latex is the cause of my newest issues. While I feel ridiculous going through my house with nitrile gloves on, I know it’s necessary as I’m breaking out in hives otherwise. Another potential cause is formaldehyde…. but one thing at a time. I WILL figure it out, Mayo Clinic or not. I refuse to live the rest of my life in a bathroom, and I know God will grant me the wisdom to learn what He wants me to.

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