Mar 17, 2013

I'm Hot... No, Wait, I'm Cold... Nope, I'm Hot

Today was one of those days when I think I just may be going insane. The temperature relation system (or should I say irregulation?) in my body was acting like it went on holiday to Spain. Granted, I didn't feel incredibly wonderful overall as far as the fibro went, but wow the temperature swings!

Yes, I just may have invented a new term. There are mood swings, so why not temperature swings?

I woke up at a normal temperature. Then I was hot. I asked the hubby if he had turned up the heat. (Nope.)

So I drank some cold water. That was much better.

Then I started moving around again and got hot, asking my husband if he had turned on the oven. (Nope.)

More cold water down the pipe.

Oh my word I'm cold. My toes are numb. My nose is like an icicle.

I curl up under a blanket and drink some red vanilla rubioos tea- or something like that. It was delicious with my local raw honey. Mmmm....

I'm even colder still. My teeth start chattering. I tell my hubby I'm going to go upstairs and try to warm up. It takes me 30 minutes. Maybe more since I don't seem to have any concept of time these days.

On my TempurPedic mattress, which holds in heat, with my fleece hat on, wearing flannel pajamas, under a super thick comforter, with the heating pad on high and three (yes, three) cats piled on top of me, I start checking out the ebooks on my iPhone. And then I start thinking about how much I want to use the berries in my freezer for a tasty smoothie....

After a few hours, I finally emerged from my cocoon without any permanent damage, aside from the hurt looks from a few sensitive felines that were pushed aside. And then I realized that I hadn't eaten all day. *sigh* Who says I don't do anything all day? I'm dealing with being me, darn it!

Have any tips for dealing with temperature control issues? Please share!

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