Mar 21, 2013

50 Animal Cookie Cutters for $8.99!

Let's face it. Cookies are fun, but animals cookies are so much more fun!

Hence my excitement at the Wilton Animal Pals 50-Piece Cookie Cutter Set currently available for $8.99, down from $20.97!

Use them for cookies, Rice Krispy treats, sandwiches, clay, Playdough...

But wait, there's more!

The Wilton 50 Piece ABC & 123 Cookie Cutter Set is currently $8.99.

Don't go yet! In my opinion, the best deal of them all is the Wilton 2304-1050 101-Piece Cookie Cutter Set for $12.98.

Hey, if you can't do much due to feeling like crud all the time, you have to get excited about something right?

1 comment:

  1. So awesome!! I've been wanting to score a big set like those for a long time. Wish I had the spending cash. Definitely let me know if this deal comes around again.
