Mar 13, 2013

Confession #2: I Forget

Starting back up with the confession theme, I forget what my confession was going to be. Seriously.

So, in that light, confession #2 is that I forget. A lot. Not just the normal, everyday, where-did-I-put-my-keys forgetfulness. I don't remember most of the past winter.

I'll say something, then repeat it a few minutes later. Thank God those around me understand, and they do tell me that I just said it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have any idea that I repeated myself.

Entire serious conversations are just gone with wind. It's like they never even happened in my world.

How Do You Deal with Forgetfulness?

It isn't particularly enjoyable to be a 31-year-old with the short-term memory of a plant. But there are some steps I do take to try to deal with it:

  1. I make lists. I've always made lists, but not for the same reason I'm using them now. I literally make lists for everything, and keep them in a red notebook just in case I misplace the notebook. It's red. I really can't miss it. I also keep a couple lists on my phone, but most of them are written.
  2. I ask for help. There is no shame in asking others to help you remember something or to remind you. In fact, your loved ones might be concerned that doing so would upset you. Let them know that you really need and want the help.
  3. I write it down. One of my most effective study methods in college was writing things down. That's primarily how I learn. So, if there are important things I need to remember, I write them down. Granted, I still forget a lot of stuff, but I'm much more likely to remember something if I've written it down at least once.
  4. I let myself feel. I get mad. I get sad. I get frustrated. I accept that. I know I'm intelligent. I remember tons of things others don't- things that are in my long term memory pile. Just because I can't remember what I said two minutes ago does not mean I'm an idiot.
  5. I keep trying. I try to keep up on interesting research, play word games online, write on my blog, and even have the occasional intellectual conversation. Giving up and letting my mind rot is not going to make it any better. 
  6. I laugh at myself. If I could remember an anecdote, I would share it, but I can't remember any right now! It really can be quite funny. Sure, it's sad and frustrating, but some of the things that come out of my mouth these days must be written by the writers from The Big Bang Theory. It's that funny!
  7. I try to fuel my mind. Green tea, flaxseed, dark chocolate, and other foods rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, or Omega-3s can only help.
  8. I use my iPhone. Yes, I love that thing. I use the alarms and timers on it daily.

What Is the Cause of Short Term Memory Loss?

In my case, it could be any number of things. Allergic reactions can cause severe memory problems, and it seems I'm always having some sort of reaction. My bestie, fibro fog, likes to hang out with me as much as she can. Anti-depressants and other medications can cause memory loss. And last but not least, sleep deprivation, sleep disorders, and lack of sleep can really screw with the brain. 

If I can remember a funny story, I'll totally share. In the meantime, what's yours?

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