Aug 24, 2013

Blogging with Fibromyalgia (and Other Illnesses)

Look back in my blog posts and one thing will be clear: there is no consistency.

Anyone with a blog will tell you, this is the number one rule of having a successful blog: keep the posts coming to get traffic and get people coming back to your blog!

Here's the thing.

I'm sick.

Have you noticed the name of the blog? It's FIBROconfessions. Not Mommyconfessions or Healthyconfessions (sorry if there are blogs out there by those names), but FIBROconfessions.

That means I'm sick.

Which means that a lot of the time, I not only don't have the energy to write a post, but it is excruciating to do so. 

The ideas are there, swimming around and jumping off diving boards into lovely ponds of sleepiness. But the body is simply too limiting.

With that in mind, I'm considering doing video posts instead. You'll be able to see me in all my latex-free, alternative soap-using glory. I'll still type when I can, but who knows how often that will be.

Less painful for me, and perhaps less eye strain for you, yes? It's a plan. Which is just a suggestion for anyone with chronic illness, right? :)

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