Jun 28, 2013

Lemon Water and Baking Soda: My Dish Soap!

Since I am allergic to all commercial dish soaps and recently moved to a place without a dishwasher, I was in a bit of a pickle. I tried making my own dish soap previously and failed miserably, but I finally figured out what works!

Lemon water and baking soda!

Does It Work?

Yes! Lemon is naturally disinfecting, and baking soda is abrasive.

How To Use Baking Soda and Lemon Water to Wash Dishes
  1. Squeeze some lemons and use the lemon juice in some tasty recipe.
  2. Place about 4 large lemons, or the equivalent in smaller lemons, in a large pot and cover with water.
  3. Boil gently for about an hour.
  4. Let set overnight.
  5. Strain into glass jars.
  6. Refrigerate.
  7. Pour a small amount (approx. 1/4 cup) of baking soda into a bowl.
  8. Add lemon water (approx. 1/3 cup).
  9. Watch it sizzle!
  10. Wash dishes with paste. 
  11. Rinse in hot water.
  • Starting with generally rinsed dishes is easiest.
  • For stubborn messes, apply the paste to the dish and let dry. Use water and a little elbow grease to rinse off and remove rust, stains, or stuck-on food.
  • Bubbles don't equal clean. It can be a bit unnerving initially, but you'll settle in.
  • If you need more baking soda or lemon water, this is not an exact science. As long as you are getting the lemon water at least on the surface, you are disinfecting. The baking soda is simply to serve as a mild abrasive.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you write and share your niche! Very interesting and different! Keep it coming!
    Australian Natural Soap
