Nov 30, 2012

Food Drama: Part 1

Growing up, I had awful allergies (something else associated with fibro). I was literally allergic to everything I was tested for in the environment. However, I was never tested for food allergies, and was always enthusiastic to tack on "but I'm not allergic to any food!" at the end of my allergy list. But was this really true? I'll never know for certain...

A few years ago I was tested for food allergies and was found to be allergic to wheat, rice, lettuce, garlic, and soy. Talk about limiting! I dare you to go to a grocery store and pick up a random box. I can just about guarantee that it has one of these ingredients in it- at least. However, I was permitted to eat each allergic food once every 3 days. But... then I felt like crud and had awful allergies the next day. So out it all went!
For years I had sinus infections 9-10 months out of every year. Yeah. Sinus surgery didn't help at all, and I ended up on harmful antibiotics all the time. Referred to a different otolaryngologist (my last one wouldn't see me because I owed him money), I was given Diflucan and  put on the Candida diet for a month. At the time I was staying with my mother at the only job I was able to find then, and she almost lost her jaw when I told her what I couldn't eat for the next month. No cheese, no sugar, limited fruit- what in the world was I to eat!
Needless to say, we figured something out, and it could not have been more worth it. Currently I am not on the diet, but do have to limit my sugar and cheese intake. Whenever I fail to do so, I end up with a sinus infection and put myself back on the Candida diet until it's cleared up. Works EVERY time- no antibiotics, no Dr. visit, no Mucinex! (Diet #2)

Sounds like enough of a challenge, right? Of course not! Stay tuned for Part 2 with more fun food adventures!

Nov 29, 2012

More Priorities

Don't you think this blog is pretty? No? Neither do I. It looks incredibly awful and I will be the first to admit it. But right now... it's just not a priority.
The result of a search for "virtuous woman." Hehehe!
In all honesty, I must admit that while I do want to help people, it's stinking hard to keep yourself  accountable when all you want to do is take a Benadryl and sleep... all the time. But is that what the Virtuous Woman of Proverbs would do? Definitely not! While Christ is of course my ultimate example and strength, it certainly helps to have a female role model. (But I bet she didn't have fibromyalgia and more additional diagnoses than she can count!)

So, while I hope eventually others gain hope and inspiration and all sorts of other warm fuzzies from this blog, right now I need some accountability- and this seems like the best option.

Two days into the routine and it's going OK, aside from the fact that the routines were not followed either day! However, the general routine was indeed followed, and considering that I'm still weak from some unknown illness, that's pretty good!

Repetitive movement = ow!
Yesterday morning two rows of the garden were planted (yay!) and today I did some much-needed laundry, while still getting some work done- yet another example of how anyone with fibro has to CONSTANTLY prioritize. (Yes, I needed clean clothes.)
Granted, this can make some relationships difficult. However, anyone who truly loves and cares for myself and my husband refuses to take cancellations personally and understands that this is simply how life is. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that family members and friends who we care for must essentially be "dumped." If someone makes you feel worse instead of better, they need to go. Fibro causes enough pain without stress- relationships that bring more negative into your life than positive will only make you feel worse.
I am again well aware that this post has gone far off topic, but this is what is on my heart today. Keep taking those baby steps!

Daily Schedule

Gotta start somewhere, and a daily schedule makes the most sense for me. I'm sure there will be some modifications as I go along, and some days I have to run errands and such, but everyone benefits from a routine, especially anyone with weird medical disorders!
So here's my initial schedule:

6:30-7:30: Get up (One my cats is my alarm clock, so no worries there.)
7:30-8:15: Stretch, Check garden (summer), Clean litterboxes, Shower
8:15-8:30: Breakfast
8:30-9:00: Get ready for the day, Check e-mail
9:00-11:00: Work
11:00-11:30: Load dishes and laundry, Filter water
11:30-1:00: Work
1:00-1:30: Lunch
1:30-2:00: Finish laundry and dishes
2:00-5:00: Work
5:00-6:00: Cook, Wipe counters and stove
6:00- 9:00: Free, Specific tasks, etc.
9:00-9:15: Shower/Bath
9:15-10:00: Take meds, wind down
10:00- Bedtime!

Since I used to have a strict bedtime routine, I decided to include that in my daily schedule. Not sure how I got out of the habit, but I definitely need to get back to it!
Notice that I'm not working more than a few hours at a time. Anyone with fibro needs to ensure they get up and move around on a regular basis or face stiff or numb legs.

Confession #1: Messy House

While I'm at it, I figured I might as well begin my first confession. My house is a wreck. For seven years I worked outside the house, and pretty much all I did was sleep, eat, work, and go doctors. Really. So.... it's taken a toll on my house.
I've always believed honesty is the best policy and lived by that rule. I am who I am, circumstances are what they are, and despite my embarrassment, I have decided to share pictures with you of my unruly home, room by room. It's messy. It's dirty. It's embarrassing. But it's the truth.
It's not bad enough to be on Hoarders, but bad enough that I can't remember the last time we had company. Time for a plan of action- and if I can do it, you can too!
I've tried a number of different people's ideas, calendars, lists, and schedules, including the Fly Lady's. I really like her ideas, but it simply doesn't WORK for someone like me. If I'm in pain, I could care less if the kitchen sink is shined. In fact, I don't really care if it ever shines, as long as it's not full of dishes all the time. Priorities need to be everything....
Here's the plan:
  1. Establish a few things that simply must be done on a daily basis. Do them!
  2. Figure out a plan to declutter, organize, and clean one small area per day. Baby steps!
  3. Follow the plan, maintaining completed areas on a regular basis that shall be determined.
  4. Share pictures throughout- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Since I'm working from home for a reason, a missed day is NOT the end of the world. I'll just pick it back up the next day and proceed as if nothing happened.
Try it along with me. We'll stumble, but we'll get back up and move on.

Nov 28, 2012


Generally I'm not one to be easily overwhelmed, but in considering what needs to be a priority in my journey to a neat, clean house I keep thinking I want EVERYTHING done- NOW! Time for a change of perspective and to ask myself some questions....
What do I really NEED? Food. Shelter. Clothing. Sleep. Medicine. Water.
From which I derived this list of daily tasks:
  1. Load and empty one load of dishes.
  2. Wash, dry, and PUT AWAY one load of laundry- one day per week being the bedding.
  3. Filter two pitchers of water.
  4. Cook something.
  5. Wipe off kitchen counters/stove.
What do I need but is not necessary to my survival? Clean food prep. Money (later). Clean litterboxes. Medicine.
So my next priority would be:Can Until You Can't
  1. Organize medicine.
  2. Clean litterboxes.
  3. Clean kitchen.
What would make me feel better? Baths. Decreased allergens. Healthy meals.
  1. Declutter- less to dust.
  2. Brush cats.
  3. Bathe cats.
  4. Dust regularly.
  5. Wash linens regularly.
  6. Clean bathtub and jets.
  7. Organize food.
  8. Plan menus.
What would help me work more efficiently?
  1. Organize all my craft/upcycling items.
  2. Organized desk.
  3. Clean couch.
  4. Organized computer work area. (Need to get that big old desk of my Mom's so I'm not limited to the couch!)
  5. Meals ready to go at lunch time.
  6. Work schedule.
Phew! It's only a start, but every little crossed-off task will get me that much closer to my goal of a simpler, cleaner, more organized life!

And so it begins

Whether or not you suffer from fibromyalgia, the purpose of this blog is to share, motivate, and maybe even provide a few chuckles every now and then. What's it going to be about?
You know you want to....
Here are some topics that are relevant to yours truly that you can expect in future posts:
  • Fibromyalgia and associated conditions, and how I deal with it all.
  • Recipes for food allergies.
  • Organization for people with no time/energy/money.
  • Organic gardening.
  • Non-toxic cleaning.
  • Upcycling.
  • Faith.
  • My three cats, cause it's all about them!
  • Self-employment/working from home.
And so it shall be....